Diatonic Harmonica Tabs

 6   -6    7   7   -7   -6
She loves you yeah yeah yeah
 6   -6    7    7   -7   -6
She loves you yeah yeah yeah
 6   -6    7   7    -7   -6   6
She loves you yeah yeah yeah yeah

 3    4     -4     5   -5    5
You think you've lost your love
 5  -5  6   5    5 -4  5   6  5
Well I saw her yes-ter-day-i-yay
-3    4  -4     5  -5    5
It's you she's thinking of
5   -5    6  5   5   -4 5  6   5
And she told me what to say-i-yay
6    6    6   -6    7
She says she loves you
4   -4   5    5   -4    -3  3
And you know that can't be bad
4    4   -4   -4
Yes she loves you
-4  -4  -4   -4   -5    -6  6
And you know you should be glad

3    4   -4   5   -5  5
She said you hurt her so
-5   6 5    5   -4  565
She almost lost her mind
-3   4  -4   5   -5   5
And now she says she knows
 -5     6   5   5 -4   565
You're not the hurting kind
6    6    6   -6    7
She says she loves you
4   -4   5    5    -4   -3  3
And you know that can't be bad
4    4   -4   -4
Yes she loves you
-4  -4  -4   -4   -5    -6   6
And you know you should be glad

6    -6    7    7   -7   -6
She loves you yeah yeah yeah
6    -6    7    7   -7   -6
She loves you yeah yeah yeah
6    -6    7    7   -7   -6   6
She loves you yeah yeah yeah yeah

-3    4  -4    5 -5  5
You know it's up to you
-5  6    5   5 -4  565
I think it's only  fair
4     -4   5   -5   5
Pride can hurt you too
-5 6  5  5   -4  565
A-pol-o-gise to  her
6  6     6   -6    7
Because she loves you
4   -4   5     5  -4    -3   3
And you know that can't be  bad
4    4   -4   -4
Yes she loves you
-4  -4  -4   -4    -5   -6   6
And you know you should be glad

4    4  -4   -4   -4
With a love like that
 -4  -4  -4    -4   -4  -44
You know you should be glad
4    4  -4   -4   -4
With a love like that
-4   -4  -4     -4  6    7--------
You know you should be glad

7      -7       -6
Yeah   yeah    yeah
7       -7      -6     -6  --------------
Yeah   yeah    yeah   YEAH !!
Harmonica Tabs Song Info
Title She Loves You
Artist The Beatles
Key C
Harp Type Diatonic

Note: This tab is specifically for the Diatonic Harmonica, as there are different types of harmonicas.

Make sure you are using a Diatonic Harmonica for this song and tab. While a song can be transcribed for various harmonica types, this version is tailored to Diatonic Harp.

If you're new to harmonica, check out our helpful guides: