Diatonic Harmonica Tabs

+4 +4  +4 -5   +6 -5
I~ let it fall my heart
-5  -5 -5 +5   +5  +5   +5 +5    -5
And as it fell you rose to claim it
+4 +4  -5   +4  +4 +4  +6 -5 -4 +4 -4
It was dark and I~ was o~~ver~~~~~~~~
-5 -5  -5  +5     +5 +5   +4  +4  +4    -4
Un~til you kissed my lips and you saved me
+4 -5    +6      -5    -4
My hands they're strong~~
-5  +5 +5    +4   +4  -4 -4  +4 -3" -4
But my knees were far to weak~~~~~~~~~
+4 -5    +6 +6   -5  -4
To stand in your arms~~
-5  -5  +5  +5  +5 -5   -5  -4
Without falling to your feet~~
-4  -4      -4 -4   +5 -4
But there's a~ side to you
-4   +5 -5 +5  -4   -5 +5  -4
That I~ ne~ver knew ne~ver knew
-4  -4  -4     +5    -4
All the things you'd say
-4   +5   -5 +5  -4   -5 +5  -4
They were ne~ver true ne~ver true
-4  -4  -4    +5  -4
And the games you play
-4  +5    -5 +5   -4  -5 +5   +5
You would al~ways win al~ways win
-5  -5 +6  -6 -6 +6 -5 -6 +6  -6  +6
But I~ set fire~~~~~~~ to the rain~~
+7      -5 +6   -5 -5 +7      +7   +6  -6
Watched it pour as I~ touched your face~~
-6  -4 -5   -4    -4 -5
Let it burn while I~ cry
-4    -4 -5    -4 -5    -4  -4  -5   -4
Cause I~ heard it screaming out your name
-5   -4 +4 -4  -5 +6
Your na~me~~~~~~~~~~

Harmonica Tabs Song Info
Title Set Fire To The Rain
Artist Adele
Key C
Harp Type Diatonic

Note: This tab is specifically for the Diatonic Harmonica, as there are different types of harmonicas.

Make sure you are using a Diatonic Harmonica for this song and tab. While a song can be transcribed for various harmonica types, this version is tailored to Diatonic Harp.

If you're new to harmonica, check out our helpful guides: