Diatonic Harmonica Tabs

 6   7  6   5   4  -4   5  
I'll be a-round no mat-ter 

 5  -4    5   -5 -5
how you treat me now

 6   7  -6  -5   4    5  4
I'll be a-round from now on

 6    7   6    5   4  -4  5   5
Your lat-est love can ne-ver last

-4   5   -5    -5
And when it's past

 6   7  -6  -5    4   5    4
I'll be a-round when he's gone

  4   4  -4 -6   4   4  4  
Good-bye a-gain and if you 

 -4  -4  -5    5   7
find  a love like mine

 -6   6   -6   8   -8  7  -6
Just now and then drop a line

-6  7    -6    7   -6   5
To say you're feel-ing fine

-5   6     7    6    5    4   -4     5    5
And when things go wrong per-haps you'll see

  -4     5   -5  -8
You're meant for me

-7  6   -8 7  -6    4    5    4
So I'll be a-round when he's gone.
Harmonica Tabs Song Info
Title I’ll Be Around
Artist Frank Sinatra
Key C
Harp Type Diatonic

Note: This tab is specifically for the Diatonic Harmonica, as there are different types of harmonicas.

Make sure you are using a Diatonic Harmonica for this song and tab. While a song can be transcribed for various harmonica types, this version is tailored to Diatonic Harp.

If you're new to harmonica, check out our helpful guides: