How Great Thou Art
‣ Carl Boberg Share
Diatonic Harmonica Tabs
6 6 6 5 O Lord my God! 6 6 6 -6 -6 -5 -6 When I in awe-some won-der -6 -6 -6 6 Con-sid-er all 5 6 6 -5 -5 5 the worlds Thy hands have made, 6 6 6 5 I see the stars, 6 6 6 -6 -6 -5 -6 I hear the roll-ing thun-der, -6 -6 -6 6 Thy pow'r through-out 5 6 6 -5 -5 5 the u-ni-verse dis-played, chorus 6 6 7 8 Then sings my soul, -8 7 -7 7 -6 6 my Sav-iour God to Thee; 7 7 -7 -4 How great Thou art, -5 -6 6 5 how great Thou art! 6 6 7 8 Then sings my soul, -8 7 -7 7 -6 6 my Sav-iour God to Thee; 7 -7 7 -8 How great Thou art, 8 -9 -7 7 how great Thou art!
Harmonica Tabs | Song Info |
Title | How Great Thou Art |
Artist | Carl Boberg |
Key | C |
Harmonica Type | Diatonic |
Note: This tab is specifically for the Diatonic Harmonica, as there are different types of harmonicas.
Make sure you are using a Diatonic Harmonica for this song and tab. While a song can be transcribed for various harmonica types, this version is tailored to Diatonic Harp.
If you're new to harmonica, check out our helpful guides: