Diatonic Harmonica Tabs

 -4   -4  4 -4 -4   4
It's all an il-lu-sion

  -4     -4   4   -4 -4   4
There's too much con-fu-sion

(Verse 1)

  5     5     5  -4   5    5
Down, down, down in your heart

  5     5     5   -4  5   5
Find, find, find the se-cret

 -4    -4    5    -4    5 -5b -5b
Turn, turn, turn your head a-round

 5 -4  4  -4  5 -4
Ba-by we can do it

 4  -4  4  4  -4  -3b
We can do it all right



-3 -3b -6b  -5   5   5   5    5    5
Do you be-lieve in love at first sight

  5   5  5 -4   4   4  -4    -4
It's an il-lu-sion, I don't care

-3 -3b -6b -5   5  5    5   5    5   5   5
Do you be-lieve I can make you feel bet-ter

 -4  -4   5  -4   4    -3b -3 4  4   -3b
Too much con-fu-sion, come on o-ver here


 5   5  4 -3b  4   4
Can we get to-geth-er

-3b 4 -3b -3b  4 -3b  4  -4  5   4   4
I real-ly, I real-ly wan-na be with you

  5   5   4  -3b  4   4   -4
Come on check it out with me

-3b 4  -3b -3b  4   4    4   -4   5   4   4
I hope you, I hope you feel the same way too

Verse 3 same as 1
I searched, I searched, I searched my whole life
To find, find, find the se-cret
But all I did was o-pen up my eyes
Ba-by we can do it
we can do it all right



 -4   -4  4 -4 -4   4
It's all an il-lu-sion

  -4     -4   4   -4 -4   4
There's too much con-fu-sion

 -4   -6b  -4  -4   -4  4
I'll make you feel bet-ter

-3b -4   5   -4  4 -3b   4
If it's bit-ter at the start

 -3b   4    5   -4  4 -3b -3b
Then it's sweet-er in the end

Harmonica Tabs Song Info
Title Get Together
Artist Madonna
Key C
Harp Type Diatonic

Note: This tab is specifically for the Diatonic Harmonica, as there are different types of harmonicas.

Make sure you are using a Diatonic Harmonica for this song and tab. While a song can be transcribed for various harmonica types, this version is tailored to Diatonic Harp.

If you're new to harmonica, check out our helpful guides: