Diatonic Harmonica Tabs

 5    6   7    7    7    7    
From the vine came the grape,

 -7   -6  -7    -7   -7  -7
from the grape came the wine

 -6   6  -6    -6 -6  -6    6 5  -5 6  
From the wine came a dream to a lov-er

 6  6   -7   -7  -7  -7  
He was back with Mar-ie 

-6  6   -6  -6  -6 -6
on the Isle of Cap-ri, 

 6  -5  6   6     6    -7  -7  -6 6    5 
With a mil-lion stars shi-ning a-bove her

 5   6  7   7   7   7   
Once a-gain he ro-manced

-7  -6    -7    -7  -7   -7
as they kissed and they danced

-6  6  -6 -6  -6   -6    6    5     -5
And he ev-en heard wed-ding bells chime

 -6   -7  -8   -8   -8   -8    
From the vine came the grape,

 7    -7   7     7   7   7
from the grape came the wine

-7   -6  -7 -7 -7 -7  7  -8    7
Af-fords on-ly a won-der-ful time

 -7  -6  6  -8  8    7  
With a song in his heart

-7  -6    6   6  6  6   6   6    6    6   6
He would sip an-oth-er lit-tle glass of wine

 -7   -6   6   -8   7    8
With each sip  he would sigh

 8  -9  8 -87 -7    -8     7
My bel-la Mar-ie, you're mine
Harmonica Tabs Song Info
Title From The Vine Came The Grape
Artist Jimmie Sacca
Key C
Harp Type Diatonic

Note: This tab is specifically for the Diatonic Harmonica, as there are different types of harmonicas.

Make sure you are using a Diatonic Harmonica for this song and tab. While a song can be transcribed for various harmonica types, this version is tailored to Diatonic Harp.

If you're new to harmonica, check out our helpful guides: