Diatonic Harmonica Tabs

5  6   4   4   -5  5   -4 4 -4
Oh my life is changing everyday
-3 -5 5   6 -4 5   5
In every possible way
-3  5  6    4
And oh my dreams
4    -5 5   -4   4  4   -4
It's never quite as it seems
-5 5   -4   4  4   -4
Never quite as it seems

-4  5  -4  5    -4   5    6 -5
 I know I felt like this before
 5  -5   5  -5  -5  -5 -5 -5   6
But now I'm feeling it  e-ven more
 4  -5  5   4    4    -4
Because it came from you
-4   5  -4 5 -4 5   6   -5
And then I open up and see
5   -5 5   -5  -5   -5  -5 -6
The person falling here is me
-6 -5 -5 -5  -5  -5 6
 A different way to be

5  6    4     4 -5  5  -4  4   4 -4
I want more, im-pos-si-ble to ignore
-3 -5  5  4   -4  5 5
Im-pos-si-ble to ignore
-3   5       6     4
And they'll come true
4  -5  5   4   4  4  -4
Im-pos-si-ble not to do
4  -5  5   4   4  4  -4
Im-pos-si-ble not to do

-4  5  -4  5   -4  5 6 -5
And now I tell you openly
5   -5   5   -5  -5   -5   -5   6
You have my heart so don't hurt me
 4  -5  5   5  4   4    -4
You're what I couldn't find
-4 5 -4 5  -4 5 6   -5
 A totally amazing mind
5  -5 5  -5  -5   -5 -5  6
So understanding and so kind
 6     -5 -5  -5  -5 6
You're everything to me

5  6   4   4   -5  5   -4 4 -4
Oh my life is changing everyday
-3 -5 5  6 -4 5    5
In every possible way
-3  5  6    4
And oh my dreams
4    -5 5   -4   4  4   -4
It's never quite as it seems

 -3    -5    5   6   -4 4
Cause you're a dream to me
  6   -4 4
Dream to me
Harmonica Tabs Song Info
Title Dreams
Artist The Cranberries
Key C
Harmonica Type Diatonic

Note: This tab is specifically for the Diatonic Harmonica, as there are different types of harmonicas.

Make sure you are using a Diatonic Harmonica for this song and tab. While a song can be transcribed for various harmonica types, this version is tailored to Diatonic Harp.

If you're new to harmonica, check out our helpful guides: