 -6    -6  6   5   5  5  -4  5   6 
Miss' -ip- pi Mid-dle of  a dry spell 

-6  -6  6  5   -4   5   6   5 -4  -3 
Jim-my Rog-ers on  Vic-trol-a up high 

-6   -6  6    5  5  5  -4    5    6 
Ma's Danc-in' Ba-by on her shoul-der 

-6  -6     6   5   
The Sun's set-tin' 

-4   5   6  5  -4  -3 
Mol- as-sis in the sky 

-3   5    -3   -4    -3  -4  -3  5 
The boy could sing, knew how to move. 

6  5  5  -4 -3 
Ev-er-y  thing 

6   5    6    5   6 
Al-ways want-ing more. 

-6    -6    6   -6   6  -6
He'd leave you long-ing for 

  7    7  -7 
Black vel-vet 

-7   -6   -7 -6  -6   -6 
and that lit-tle boy smile 

  7    7  -7 
Black vel-vet 

 -6   -6   -6   -6    6   5 
with that slow South-ern style 

7  7  7  7  -7 
A new re-li-gion 

 -7  -7  -7   -6  -6  6   -6 -7 
that'll bring you to your knees 

  5    6   5  5  -4    5 
Black vel-vet if you please 

Up Memphis, music's like a heat wave 
White lightning’ bound to drive you wild 
Ma's baby's in the heart of every schoolgirl 
"Love me tender" leaves 'em cryin' in the aisle 
The way he moved, it was a sin, so sweet and true 
Always wanting more, he'd leave you longing for 


-6  6   -6  -6  6   -6 
Ev'-ry word ev'-ry song 

 -6  6   -6  -7  6 5  6 
That he sang was for you 

-6 6  -6   -6  6   -6 
In a flash he was gone 

-6  6   -6   -6 6 5 
It hap-pened so soon

 -3   5 -3  5  5 
What could you do 

Chorus 2X
Harmonica Tabs Song Info
Title Black Velvet
Artist Alannah Myles
Key C
Harp Type Diatonic